Thursday, April 5, 2018


Most days out skiing this year with the kiddos have seemed too much trouble and just not worth it. Oh, let me list the ways in which it has been the opposite of fun.

~kids whining on the drive up

~kids whining while getting dressed

~kids whining while putting boots on

~kid refusing to walk from car to hill

~other kid walking and whining

~carrying two pairs of kid skis plus your skis and a kid, both awkward and heavy

~kid dropping glove repeatedly on way to hill

~kids having to go pee as soon as you arrive, thereby requiring a nearly full undress

~kids whining because they are hungry ten minutes after arriving

Okay, I think you get the point. A whole lot of whining and work and not a lot of skiing or fun.

But wait. The other day was AWESOME! It made it all worth it! The kids didn't whine at all. They skied for quite some time before we finally decided we should go in for lunch. They smiled and had a good time. The sun was shining. The snow was soft and spring-like. Both kiddos fell asleep on the chairlift! Guess the vibration and warm sun at nap time was just a bit too much!

I know we'll have more rough days on the slopes but I needed a win. I needed a reason to keep trying. Maybe we'll do another attempt this season...or maybe we'll end with that great day.

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